Heritage Open Days is back for another year! It’s England’s largest festival of history and culture, involving thousands of local volunteers and organisations. Every year in September it brings people together to celebrate their heritage, community and history. Stories are told, traditions explored, and histories brought to life. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all FREE!. But many require you to book in advance so check with the link below
The theme of 2023 Heritage Open Days is “Creativity Unwrapped”. This year Leeds will play host to over 100 events, many embracing this year’s theme. We see the return of Briggate Morris dancers and welcome new openers such as the Assembly House Leeds. Two new blue plaques will be unveiled during the festival to celebrate the heritage of Bramley Baths and the legacy of circus owner Pablo Fanque.
For details of all events go to Heritage Open Days site